The Virgin Mary

The Virgin Eleusa

Heritage: Bulgarian, from the iconostasis in the Chapel of St St Simeon and Sava in Rila Monastery

Now in: Sofa Rila Monastery

Original: 19 C., 66,5 x 42,5 cm

Replica: 2005/ 80 x 50 cm


A typical icon for the rich iconostasis of the smaller chapels built in  18-19C. in Rila Monastery. The way of icon writing shows that for the author could be considered some of the icon masters from Samokov.




Cat. No 1.20


The dormition of The Virgin

Heritage: Bulgarian, from Nessebur, Church of St. John

Now in: Sofia, Chrypt Al. Nevski

Оriginal:17 C./17 C./44 x 35 cm

Replica: 2005/80 x 59,5 cm

Dormition of Theotokos is a complicated iconographic composition, where the artist found a masterly decision for the lot of depicted personages. The icon presents the Apostles who came from all over the places where they were preaching the christianisme. Jesus Christ is holding in his hands a small child, symbolizing the soul of the mother ascending to his son. This icon is from the same festal range with the icon “Ascension of Christ”. Probably both icons are completed by the same master.


Cat. № 1.2007





The Virgin Keharitomeni - Balgarovo

Heritage: Bulgarian, from village Balgarovo, Bourgas dstrct

Now in: Sofia, Church Museum

Оriginal: 16 C./107 x 83 cm

Replica: 2005/80 x 51 cm

The face of a bilateral icon, where a Crucifixion is painted on the back. The Theotokos is depicted in Odigitria iconographic type, i.e. the one who shows us the right way. However, with the inscription above her right shoulder she is given the name Keharitomeni - the Most Favored, so as she was called by Archangel Gabriel in the Annunciation. On the two vertical margins from each side are depicted 8 scenes from the life of the Theotokos.

                                                                             Cat. № 1.2009







The Virgin Mary- Rilska, framed


Heritage: Bulgarian,18 C., Rila Monastery

Now: in Rila Monastery

Original: 37 x 28,5 cm

Replica: 31 x 24 cm

 LA VIERGE DE LA PITIE ( THE VIRGIN ELEUSA ) est une petite icône qui a la qualite d’un travail de Beaux Arts. Elle est executee dans les nouvelles conceptions de la peinture de la Renaissance.

Le visage inspire de la Vierge, bien son idealisation canonique comporte de vifs traits humains.

 Cat. No 1.104





The Virgin Mary - Rilska

Heritage: Bulgarian,18 C., Rila Monastery

Now: in Rila Monastery

Original: 37 x 28,5 cm

Replica: 37 x 28 cm

VIERGE DE LA PITIE ( THE VIRGIN ELEUSA ) est une petite icône qui a la qualite d’un travail de Beaux Arts. Elle est executee dans les nouvelles conceptions de la peinture de la Renaissance.

Le visage inspire de la Vierge, bien son idealisation canonique comporte de vifs traits humains.

 Cat. No 1.103






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