St St Cyril and Methodius
Heritage: Bulgarian, Veliko Tarnovo
Now in: Museum of History, Veliko Tarnovo
Оriginal:19 C. 69,5 x 47, Replica: 2005/75 х 48 cm
Канонизираните от българската църква още в 10 в. Славянскипросветители са изобразени в цял ръст, фронтално. Фигурите им имат скъсени пропорции, декоративно-плоскостна разчлененост на обемите. Надписите са на български език. Иконата навярно е дело на някой от по-малко подготвените в професионално отношение тревненски майстори.
The canonised by the Bulgarian Church in 10th c., Slavonic educators (enlighteners) - St St Cyril and Methodius, are depicted full-length, frontally. Their figures have shortened proportions, and decorative segmented volumes. The inscriptions are in Bulgarian. The icon is probably a work of some of the less professionally prepared masters from Bulgarian town of Tryavna. (Tryavna icons school). Some experts name these masters primitive icon painters and their icons primitives.
Cat. № 1.42
Icon Categories
- Jesus Christ
- The Virgin Mary
- Deesis
- St. George
- St. Nicholas
- St. Demetrius
- St. Elijah
- St. John The Baptist
- St. John The Evangelist, Apostle and Theologian
- St. Luke The Evangelist and Apostle
- St. Matthew the Evangelist
- St. 40 Martyrs
- St. St. Cyril and Methodius
- St. St. Constantin and Helena
- St. John of Rila
- St. St. Peter and Paul
- St. Marina
- St. Thomas The Apostle ( Doubting Thomas )
- Archangel Michael
- Three Saints
- Festal icons
- Icons under painting
- Icons exhibitions