St. George

St George with scenes of his life

st george with scenes of his life - 1 pce scanned Heritage: Bulgarian, from Veliko Tarnovo

Now: in Sofia, Chrypt of Alexander Nevski

Original: year 1684 / 90 x 72,5 cm, Author of the original: Yoan  of Chevindol

Replica: 90 x 72 cm

Shown on the border surrounding the central figure are twelve scenes from the life of the Saint. Painted in the upper part according to the inscriptions are:

(1) St George conversing with the King, (2) St George is taken to the dungeon, (3) The Saint is flogged with raw-hide whips, (4) The torture on the wheel 

The story continues from left to right: (5) he Saint is cast into a pit of unslaked lime, (6) The Saint is given poison, (7) The Saint endures martyrdom in prison, (8) The Saint demolishes the idols, (9) The Saint saves the ox of the peasant Glicaerius, (10) The Saint brings a dead man back to life, (11) St George is beheaded, (12) Queen Alexandra is beheaded

There is an inscription in the lower part of the icon, which reads: “ In the year 1684; by the hand of Yoan of Chevindol”. All inscriptions are in Greek.

 Cat. No 1.31 


St George - Veliko Turnovo

Heritage: Bulgarian, from Veliko Tarnovo region

Now in: Sofia, Chrypt Al. Nevski

Оriginal:17 в./75x49 cm

Replica:2005/73 x 52 cm

St. George, on a blue horse, stabbing the Dragon, who is turning his tail around the back feet of the horse. The landscape in which this scene is taking place is the usual one, but the Princess is missing. It is considered that this iconographic type is the short option of the story for liberation of the Princess. The way the icon is painted, assumes that together with the icon of St Demetrius (on a red horse, cat. No 1.23.2) could be works of the same master.

Cat. № 1.34






St George slaying the dragon - Kremikovtsi Monastery


 Heritage: Bulgarian, from Kremikovtsi Monastery

 Now in: Sofia, Chrypt Al. Nevski

 Оriginal:17 в., 1667/87 x 61 cm

 Replica: 2004/79,5 х 59 сm

 The icon represents the miracle of St. George for saving the  Princess from the Dragon. The artist follows the canonical rules for presentation of this miracle. He also demonstrates his rich imagination, closely connected to the popular ideas for the Saint by original expressive color spots. In Bulgaria St. George is most often depicted riding a white horse. The Dragon is a symbol of the devil and is stabbed by St. George. Tthere is also a donor’s inscription and date - 1667. 

Cat. № 1.5









St George Enthroned ( Crowned ) - Plovdiv


Heritage: Bulgarian, from Plovdiv

Now in: Sofia, Chrypt Al.Nevski

Оriginal: end 16 C., 79,5 x 52,5 x 2,8 сm

Replica:2003/80 х 53,5 cm

The iconography of this piece is rare, different from the usual presentation of St. George - on horse back. Here the Saint is presented on a throne with a white and a red pillow, in solemnity, as a conqueror, after numerous victories and miracles.


Cat. № 1.22.6








St. George - Nessebur

Heritage: Bulgarian, from Nessebur - Church St. GEORGE

Now in: Sofia, Chrypt Al. Nevski

Оriginal: 16th C./123 x 91 cm

Replica: 2005/80 x 59 cm


The icon is the face of a double-sided icon. On the back side St. Gerontius and St. Polichronia were depicted. Probably this was a patron icon from one of the two churches in Nessebur, non-existing nowadays: “St. George the Big” and “St. George the Small”. Following the style painting the icon is dated end 16th century.

Cat. № 1.2002




