Actual Availability

Below you can see the icons that we currently have in stock. Please note that they are individual hand-painted and meticulously handcrafted items, and the stock is replenished occasionally, as we are finished painting a new icon.

To make an inquiry about a particular icon from the listed below please contact us.

St George Enthroned ( Crowned ) - Plovdiv PDF Print Email


Heritage: Bulgarian, from Plovdiv

Now in: Sofia, Chrypt Al.Nevski

Оriginal: end 16 C., 79,5 x 52,5 x 2,8 сm

Replica:2003/80 х 53,5 cm

The iconography of this piece is rare, different from the usual presentation of St. George - on horse back. Here the Saint is presented on a throne with a white and a red pillow, in solemnity, as a conqueror, after numerous victories and miracles.


Cat. № 1.22.6







St George slaying the dragon - Kremikovtsi Monastery PDF Print Email


 Heritage: Bulgarian, from Kremikovtsi Monastery

 Now in: Sofia, Chrypt Al. Nevski

 Оriginal:17 в., 1667/87 x 61 cm

 Replica: 2004/79,5 х 59 сm

 The icon represents the miracle of St. George for saving the  Princess from the Dragon. The artist follows the canonical rules for presentation of this miracle. He also demonstrates his rich imagination, closely connected to the popular ideas for the Saint by original expressive color spots. In Bulgaria St. George is most often depicted riding a white horse. The Dragon is a symbol of the devil and is stabbed by St. George. Tthere is also a donor’s inscription and date - 1667. 

Cat. № 1.5








St Luke painting the Virgin PDF Print Email

"St Luke painting the Virgin Mary on an icon"

This icon is following a wall painting in Rila Monastery, 1799.

Heritage: Bulgarian

Size: 84 x 70 cm

 Cat. No 1.2301









St St Cyril and Methodius PDF Print Email

1-42Heritage: Bulgarian, Veliko Tarnovo

Now in: Museum of History, Veliko Tarnovo

Оriginal:19 C. 69,5 x 47, Replica: 2005/75 х 48 cm

 Канонизираните от българската църква още в 10 в. Славянскипросветители са изобразени в цял ръст, фронтално. Фигурите им имат скъсени пропорции, декоративно-плоскостна разчлененост на обемите. Надписите са на български език. Иконата навярно е дело на някой от по-малко подготвените в професионално отношение тревненски майстори.

The canonised by the Bulgarian Church in 10th c., Slavonic educators (enlighteners) - St St Cyril and Methodius, are depicted full-length, frontally. Their figures have shortened proportions, and decorative segmented volumes. The inscriptions are in Bulgarian. The icon is probably a work of some of the less professionally prepared masters from Bulgarian town of Tryavna. (Tryavna icons school). Some experts name these masters primitive icon painters and their icons primitives.

Cat. № 1.42




St St Peter and Paul - Trakia PDF Print Email

Heritage: Bulgarian, from Trakia

Now in: Sofia, Chrypt Al. Nevski

Оriginal:1684/104 x 66 cm

Replica:2004/80 х 54 сm

The icon shows St. Peter and St. Paul in their traditional iconography - Peter with white hair and beard and Paul - with dark hair, beard and high front symbolizing his wit. Peter holds keys, Paul - Evangile/Gospel. Christ says: “You are Peter, stone and on this stone I shall build my church“. Both saints hold in their hands in-between a small church - symbolizing that they are the creators of the Christian church. The inscriptions are in Greek.

Cat. № 1.464







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