Actual Availability

Below you can see the icons that we currently have in stock. Please note that they are individual hand-painted and meticulously handcrafted items, and the stock is replenished occasionally, as we are finished painting a new icon.

To make an inquiry about a particular icon from the listed below please contact us.

St. George - Nessebur PDF Print Email

Heritage: Bulgarian, from Nessebur - Church St. GEORGE

Now in: Sofia, Chrypt Al. Nevski

Оriginal: 16th C./123 x 91 cm

Replica: 2005/80 x 59 cm


The icon is the face of a double-sided icon. On the back side St. Gerontius and St. Polichronia were depicted. Probably this was a patron icon from one of the two churches in Nessebur, non-existing nowadays: “St. George the Big” and “St. George the Small”. Following the style painting the icon is dated end 16th century.

Cat. № 1.2002




St. John the Baptist and St John of Rila PDF Print Email



Heritage: Bulgarian, from the church in metoh “Orliza” by Rila Monastery

Now in: Sofia, Chrypt Al. Nevski

Оriginal: 1796/63 x 47 cm

Replica: 2005/79,5 x 59,5 cm

Very symbolical in this icon is the presentation of St. John of Rila, standing by St. John The Precursor - the Angel of the desert. Following the exquisite style and execution this icon can be referred to a number of icons from Rila Monastery by various authors by the end of 18 C.


Cat. № 1.2005






The Ascension of Christ PDF Print Email

Heritage: Bulgarian, from Nessebur, Church of St. John

Now in: Crypt Al. Nevski

Оriginal: 17 C./43,2 х 33 сm

Replica: 2005/80 x 58 сm



The icon THE ASCENSION OF CHRIST is from the same festal range with THE DORMITION OF THE VIRGIN (Cat. № 1.2007) and probably these two icons are completed by the same master. Above the heads of the Apostles and the Theotokos is depicted Christ in ascension. The disc, in which Christ is depicted, is carried from both sides by two Angels.

                                                                         Cat. № 1.2006







The Ascension of The Prophet Elijah PDF Print Email

Heritage: Bulgarian, unknown origin

Now in: Sofia, Chrypt Al. Nevski

Оriginal:17 C./89 x 52,5 cm

Replica: 2005/80 x 51,5 cm

St. Elijah is shown sitting in a chariot. His right hand holds the garment he will give Elijah help him cross the deep river and his left - a scroll and the reins of the four small horses harnessed to the chariot. Below there is a mountainous landscape with a river and to the left is the prophet’s disciple - Elisee, his arms raised in prayer for help. The pink, gold and ochre colors of the icon contribute to the splendid decorative harmony.

                                                                       Cat. № 1.30












The dormition of The Virgin PDF Print Email

Heritage: Bulgarian, from Nessebur, Church of St. John

Now in: Sofia, Chrypt Al. Nevski

Оriginal:17 C./17 C./44 x 35 cm

Replica: 2005/80 x 59,5 cm

Dormition of Theotokos is a complicated iconographic composition, where the artist found a masterly decision for the lot of depicted personages. The icon presents the Apostles who came from all over the places where they were preaching the christianisme. Jesus Christ is holding in his hands a small child, symbolizing the soul of the mother ascending to his son. This icon is from the same festal range with the icon “Ascension of Christ”. Probably both icons are completed by the same master.


Cat. № 1.2007





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